Saturday, December 19, 2009

Secret Santa

There is a community online I am constantly on (especially at work) called Threadless . Its a website where people design tshirts, and the winning designers are paid 2000 dollars and sold on their website. Pretty cool. The community there is great, its like we are all a bunch of close friends who have never met. Every year they hold a Secret Santa for us bloggers, which I've been participating for the past 3 years now. This year I had the wonderful Mya Davidson !

I made her two things- First a book bag made out of a threadless tee, canvas, and cotton:

And this pendant I designed myself:

I'm most proud of that one because I made literaly everything but the stone!

More christmas presents coming soon!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


For a huge upload of many thing. I am about to finish up my jewelry class and my sewing class so things that have come out of there will be soon. Plus I have about 10 christmas presents I am making. So sorry for the delay, but it will be up soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Star Trek and Giraffes

Jonathan's father has helped with the whole creative lag as of late. He's suggested that our presents our homemade this year. So that is 3 brothers, 4 sisters, a grandma and a mom and dad. We've been kinda stuck on what to make for everyone- cuz to be honest we don't know them that well. here is what I have done so far.

My brother-in-law Christopher is a huge nerd and loves Star Trek. So of course he gets this:

Sorry for the horrible pictures- all i have on me is my cell phone. Also, I'm tired- so gimme a break on the horrible bags under my eyes.

My Granmother-in-law wasn't too difficult to figure out- she likes giraffes and the color purple. So I made her a bracelet incorporating the two.

Little Tess trivia for you- thats the first thing I've made outta metal.

So, thats 2 down- 8 more to go!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Hope

I'm just hoping this will get me out of my creative shell... Hopefully posting something creative whether it be baking, sewing, making jewelry, weird make up, drawings, whatev. Just need to start doing something. Figure this can get me going. Hope I'm right!

Hope to post lots soon =)
